The word shrub can have different meanings depending on the context. In the world of gardening, it’t typically used to refer to a small tree or bush with multiple stems that generally grow no taller than 6 feet. Shrubs are also known as dense plants that often have prickly stems, small leaves, and berries; they are not to be confused with subshrubs, which are perennial herbaceous plants that grow under shrubby trees or bushes. As lush as they may be, shrubs (smaller trees) are not always the easiest things to plant in your yard. They don’t take up much ground space like a tree might but they also aren’t small enough to fit into a standard flower pot like many other plants do. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can go about planting a shrub in your yard. Shrub Installation TipsThere are a few things you can do to make the installation process go as smoothly as possible. – First, make sure your shrub is at least 6 inches tall before you plant it. This will allow it to have a better chance of surviving and thriving in your yard. – Secondly, dig an ample hole that is deep enough to place the roots of the shrub completely underground, but not too deep that the top of the shrub isn’t able to sit at ground level. – Thirdly, water the shrub well before installing it into your yard. This will give it a good start in its new home and also help soak up any dirt that might be stuck on its roots. – Fourth, carefully take the root ball out of its container and place it in your hands so it can be positioned over the hole you dug earlier. Gently slide the root ball into place and fill in around it with dirt from inside the hole. Use both hands if needed to press down firmly on the soil and remove any air pockets or gaps between dirt and roots. – Fifth – once you finish filling up around it, water again for about 30 seconds before patting down any loose dirt or filling in any holes with more soil or mulch on top. If needed, add more plants (such as flowers) around it to help disguise its presence or even put a tree nearby to add height! Shrubs Dig a Deep HoleDig a hole deep enough to accommodate your shrub’s roots. Make sure the hole is wide enough for the roots as well. If you’re planting a small tree, you will be able to plant it deeper in the ground than if you are planting a bush. Mix in Organic MatterThe most important thing to remember is that, because shrubs are so dense and have prickly stems, it’s better to plant them on a mound of organic matter. The organic matter will help keep the roots moist, which is essential for the health of your shrub. You can do this by purchasing a bag of peat moss or bark mulch at your local gardening center. Alternatively, you could use compost or aged manure. Once you’ve created the mound (a few feet wider than your shrub’s root ball), dig a hole in the side of it and place the root ball inside. Fill in around the root ball with more organic matter to make sure there is no air gaps between it and the ground; this will ensure that water stays near where your new shrub will be planted. If you need more information about planting a shrub in your yard, please contact us today! What to do on Ibiza Use a Root Booster (if needed)If your shrubs roots are dangling in the air or damaged, you may want to use a root booster. These come in powder or liquid form and are used to give plants that have been recently transplanted a little boost. The boosters help get water and nutrients to the roots so that the plant can grow quickly. Use the Right Shrub for Your EnvironmentYou want to make sure that the shrub you eventually choose is compatible with your environment. This means that it will not be too drought-resistant or too heat tolerant and that it will grow well in the shade or sun. You can use a climate zone map and other resources to determine which shrubs are best for your region. Add Backfill and Mix It UpWhen planting a shrub in your yard, it’s important to take into account the type of shrub you are planting. The best method for planting a shrub will vary based on the type of plant. One tip is to add backfill and mix it up with the dirt you just removed from the hole. Backfill refers to material that is placed at the bottom of the hole and mixed with dirt so that it creates a level surface. Mixing up this material with topsoil can help ensure that water drains away properly and plants are more likely to thrive. The next step is to add more dirt around the root system so that it starts to cover everything. Add enough soil until there is about an inch of space left below where the roots start (you want your shrub as close to ground level as possible). It’s also important not to push down too hard once you have planted your shrub because over-compaction could lead to poor drainage, which would kill your newly-planted shrub fairly quickly. ConclusionThe best way to plant a shrub in your yard is to make sure you have the correct soil and environment for the type of shrub you want to plant. With the right soil, plant, and environment, you can ensure the success of your shrub for years to come. This article is provided by | |